Duke of Edinburgh Silver Expedition

We are super proud of our Year 11 Silver participants who successfully completed their expeditions at the beginning of July. All students had a great time and passed their assessed expedition, while gaining lifelong memories.

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India, DofE Ambassador - Practice Expedition

“I completed my DofE Silver practice expedition from Thursday to Saturday at the end of June with a team of five other students. I wanted to reflect on the experience and tell you some of our favourite memories. The three days were all so memorable, so it’s hard to choose; I know our group enjoyed the campsites, with each day feeling accomplished with our very long walks! It was tough at times, and we felt exhausted, but together we encouraged each other to make it one step further. We came together as a team, and our bond as friends grew too. Through endless fields we laughed, sang and moaned about the far-off finish line! Our second night at the campsite will be a time many of us will treasure - staff and participants all sat together reminiscing on the past few days. We all laughed and enjoyed some delicious s’mores on the campfire. There are so many things that I will take from this, an experience I will remember for a lifetime.”

Special DofE Mentions

Special mentions to Mia and Emily from Year 10 who have completed their Volunteering sections of the award. Well done!