UKAT Sixth Form Admissions — Chatham Grammar

Admissions - UKAT Sixth Form

Proposed Procedure For Admissions Into Year 12 in 2025/2026

The recommended pupil admission for the UKAT Sixth Form is a total of four hundred students. Two hundred places overall will be available in Year 12 - this will be the Year 12 capacity.  The admission number for Year 12 is 5.  This is the total number of places that will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants.  If fewer than 95 of the Academy's own Year 11 students transfer into Year 12, additional external students will be admitted until Year 12 meets its capacity of 200.

Entry Requirements

Academic entry criteria will be applied for all courses offered in the UKAT Sixth Form.  Course entry requirements for specific courses will be displayed annually in the UKAT Options booklet by subject. However individual student cases may be considered on merit. Offers of places will remain conditional until actual results are verified.  

Over-subscription Criteria 

If Year 12 is over-subscribed then after the automatic admission of Looked After Children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or because they were subject to a residence order or special guardianship order), and after the automatic admission of students with an EHCP where Brompton Academy/Chatham Grammar is named on the EHCP (after the UKAT Sixth Form has been consulted and it has been agreed), the criteria shall be applied b to c below in the order in which they are set out below. 

a. Children in public care or previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).   

b. Current family association (as defined in the Admissions Policy under the Admissions section on the website).

c. Students attending Year 11 or who are post 16+ and attending one of the other schools/academies in Medway or the neighbouring borders.

Admissions are subject to a vacancy existing on the course for which the student is applying and students meeting the entry criteria for the courses they are applying to. The Governors may, in exceptional circumstances, refuse admission to any individual student if, in their view, to admit that student would prejudice the fulfilment of the Academy’s aims or seriously disrupt the provision of effective education of other students.

Waiting Lists

Where in any year UKAT Sixth Form receives more applications for places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate.  This will be maintained by the University of Kent Academies Trust and it will be open to any parent/carer to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application.  

Children’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out above where places become vacant they will be allocated to young people on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.