What do I do if my child is going to be absent from the academy?
Years 7 – 11
Attendance is a high priority at Chatham Grammar. High levels of attendance will help your child to achieve higher grades, develop healthy life habits and give your child the opportunity to develop their resilience.
However, in some cases, absences cannot be avoided so we ask that all absences are reported to the attendance office by 9.30am each day.
To report absence please use the contact details below:
01634 851262 or
We will endeavour to work closely with you to ensure attendance is at a good level:
we will text, call or email home on a daily basis for those students who are absent but whose parents have not made contact.
we will send a letter home if absence becomes a concern.
we will continue to work closely with you and involve the Attendance Advisory Service to Schools and Academies (AASSA) to help support and improve attendance, should attendance be a concern.
We ask that:
holidays are not taken during school time.
students are punctual every day and that you are responsible for ensuring your child attends school on a regular basis.
Please remember attendance is a legal requirement and forms an important part of our safeguarding process.
UKAT Sixth Form
To report an absence parents/carers must inform the main office by 9.30am on each day of absence. Any unexplained absences will generate a message home. For planned absence requests, students are asked to complete a UKAT Sixth Form online planned absence form. Please click here for the UKAT Sixth Form planned absence form.