Chatham Grammar Uniform
CG navy blazer with braiding and embroidered logo from Uniformbase. This item is compulsory.
CG navy tank top or long sleeved jumper with twin neck stripe from Uniformbase. We allow plain navy tank tops and these can be purchased from any retailer. This item is compulsory.
CG navy double pleat skirt. This item can only be purchased from Uniformbase. This item is compulsory.
CG navy business style straight-legged trousers with small logo from Uniformbase. We allow plain navy business style straight-legged trousers with no logo. This item is compulsory.
CG straight ankle length navy skirt, to be ordered 8 weeks before the start of a new term, price will be confirmed on application from Uniformbase (this is an alternative optional item to the navy double front pleated knee length skirt, that offers students more coverage). This item can only be ordered from Uniformbase.
CG white revere collar blouse from Uniformbase or from any retailers. This item is compulsory.
Plain black/white socks.
Plain black tights.
Black shoes.
PE Kit
Navy PE polo top with CG logo and can only be purchased from Uniformbase. This item is compulsory.
Navy PE training 1/4 zip jumper with CG logo and can only be purchased from Uniformbase. This item is compulsory.
Navy tracksuit bottoms with CG logo or you can choose either the navy sports leggings with CG logo and these can only be purchased from Uniformbase. These items are compulsory.
Navy skort with CG logo from Uniformbase (optional item). We allow plain navy skorts with no CG logo.
Navy shorts with CG logo from Uniformbase (optional item). We allow plain navy shorts with no CG logo.
Trainers are required and are essential for PE lessons. This item can be purchased from any retailer.
Any clothing such as hoodies, track suit tops and long sleeved tops are not to be worn underneath PE kit polo tops or 1/4 zip jumpers.
Additional Information
A back pack (navy or black) or suitable bag is recommended for all year groups but is an optional item and can be purchased from Uniformbase or any retailer. A backpack or bag should be large enough to carry an iPad or an A4 folder.
The Academy’s hair policy is fully inclusive. We are conscious of supporting all hair types and therefore we support and adopt the Halo Hair Code. Visit
Any hair accessories must be subtle and either navy or black.
The colour of a student’s hair must be a natural tone (black, brown, auburn, blonde or grey). Unnatural colours are not permitted – this includes but is not limited to blue, purple, bright red and green.
Head scarves and head wraps must be navy or black and no durags, bandanas or bonnets.
Please note that the Principal should be contacted directly for agreement if a student’s religion requires them to wear any alternative items. Head coverings should be plain black.
Students are not permitted to wear make up. This includes false eyelashes, or lash extensions, penciled eyebrows and painted or fake/false nails.
Jewellery – watches can be worn. No other jewellery is allowed (unless for religious reasons). Items must be removed for PE and Games.
No body piercings such as eyebrow, lip, nose, tongue or ear and no clear nose or clear ear piercings are allowed in any circumstances and should be removed whilst the students are in the CG uniform.
Coats are permitted, but hoodies, zip-up jumpers and non-uniform jumpers are not allowed.
We encourage our parents/carers to label all uniform items as any lost items can be located more easily if they are labelled with a first and second name.
CG reserves the right to send students home to get changed if they are seen wearing incorrect uniform.
Our Uniform Supplier
Uniformbase have advised us that the best time to order your child’s uniform is the first or second week in July.
Please click here to visit our uniform provider.
11 Railway Street
ME4 4HUTel: 01634 407 217
If you have any questions or concerns about purchasing the uniform, please contact us on the email address below:
Recommended Retailers
If you are looking for uniform items from a range of retailers, we recommend you might look at Marks and Spencers, Asda, Tesco etc. We cannot guarantee that any of these retailers will have the correct stock or correct size for your child.,default,sc.html