Year 9 Options
Students in Year 9 preference their subject choices for Years 10 and 11. This process begins with our Year 9 Options Event, held on site on Thursday 23rd January 4pm to 5pm. This is an opportunity to speak to staff about the courses and look at student work. This event is designed to keep our students’ learning broad and balanced, whilst also preparing them for their next steps.
In Years 10 and 11, all students will study English Language, English Literature, Maths, Double Science, Ethics and PE core. Students then have the opportunity to choose four further subjects. One must be a Humanities subject (History or Geography) and one a modern foreign language (French, German or Spanish). It is expected that the language chosen is the language currently studied in Year 9. Students are also able to choose both Humanities subjects, however these would be seen as one or two of their option choices. Students are also able to choose Triple Science, again this would be seen as one of their two option choices.
As students go through the process of making their subject choices, we recommend that they spend time exploring and discussing these options to help make their decisions. If you would like any support from your child’s subject teacher or personal tutor, please contact them via email at the Academy to discuss. Year 9 Parents’ Evening held on the10th and 12th February is a good opportunity to ask subject specific questions. There will also be a series of assemblies during the week beginning 24th February that will be an opportunity for students to find out more from the teachers who lead subjects not currently taught in Year 9.
These are important choices to make, and they should be built upon strengths, interests as well as future career choices. If students are motivated and enjoy what they are studying, they are far more likely to achieve well over the next two years.
Once your child has made their choice the ‘options form’ will need to be completed. The form will be made available on Friday 28th February. This is to ensure option preferences have been carefully considered before finalising preferences. It is important to note that subjects will only run if there is enough interest shown and while we will always endeavour to ensure that students are able to study their preferences this is not always possible and, in those circumstances, we will ensure that students have the subject with the highest preference possible.
Key dates
Year 9 Options Event Thursday 23rd January 4-5pm.
Year 9 Parent/Carer evening 10th and 12th February.
Students attend options assemblies for subjects new at KS4 week beginning 24th Feb in PT time.
Friday 28th Feb ‘options form’ will be made available.
Friday 7th March Option form closes.
Subject Information
Please click on the subject names below to find out more information about each of them.