Ethos and Values

To view our Chatham Grammar whole school Curriculum Intent please click here.

To view our Chatham Grammar whole school house system please click here.

To view our whole school Equality, Diversity and Inclusions info please click here.

At Chatham Grammar we offer our students a wide variety of stimulating and motivating opportunities to achieve outstanding academic outcomes, and develop high quality thinking, learning and communication skills and in doing so build a secure foundation for a positive and successful life. We recognise the enormous social and emotional pressures that are put on young women today, and our priority and commitment is to ensure that our students develop healthy inquisitive minds, and that academic success is achieved within a nurturing environment.

Essentially Chatham Grammar is a supportive, friendly place, which fosters excellent and secure relationships between students and staff – our young people are happy, confident and resilient. Our goal is to ensure that our students go out into the world with the ability to deal confidently with all the experiences that come their way.

Chatham Grammar students enter university and the professional work place full of passion, and with aspiration, self-belief and high self esteem of what they can achieve.

In Year 7, we begin the journey to success by discovering the individual talents of our students through our Year 7 curriculum, enabling a smooth transition from primary to secondary education.

Students are supported from early beginnings to successfully engage with all the changes and opportunities that life in Chatham Grammar will offer.

Leadership Development

At Chatham Grammar we are passionate about developing our students into the young leaders of the future. This is a programme designed for Years 7, 8 and 9 students to develop learning capacities, independent learning skills and employability skills. The programme aims to stretch students not just academically, but creatively and emotionally. Lessons help students develop self-belief, resilience, raise aspirations and improve problem solving skills, enabling them to mature into successful leaders of the future. Leadership points are collected in line with the 7 leadership habits by all students.

It is delivered through the following four modules:

  • Critical Thinking

  • Enterprise

  • Public Speaking

  • Mindfulness