Chatham Grammar Careers – Speakers for Schools

As part of the Speakers for Schools programme, students were able to find out what astronaut Tim Peake had to say about careers in the space industry. Ariel in Year 7, took part in the live interview:

An Interview with Tim Peake

“You need to think of ways how to develop your personality.”

Interviewer: What qualifications do you need to become an astronaut?

Tim Peake: They ask you to fill out a form like most jobs and you need a cv. You’re also required to have a degree value of education. You can also get in if you have been a pilot for a certain amount of time.

Interviewer: Is it harder for a British citizen to become an astronaut compared to an America citizen?

Tim Peake: This has developed over the years now. In the UK we joined the space-force in 2012.

Interviewer: What are your strength and weakness?

Tim Peake: He had many weaknesses, and he was in the army for many years this helped him develop experience, resilience leadership and making sure you try. Every time you try you succeeded even if you don’t succeed on paper you have succeeded in our mind. It’s also important to never give up.

Interviewer: What would you say to small people with big dreams?

Tim Peake: You must see what inspires you should have a goal for your life. You have to enjoy the moment and you will have times when you have high and lows. He says you need to be passionate and not worry too much about the destination.

Interviewer: What made you write your book?

Tim Peake: It had been in my mind in five years I had kept a diary in space and in training so I can write down as I can in my autobiography.

Interviewer: Could you describe what it is like to be in space?

Tim Peake: You have to think about your body and what it feels like. You will be absolutely relaxed, and it is very weird. You can feel your weightlessness whilst looking out at earth. There is no vibration and noises, and you notice how tiny the earth is.

By: Ariel