A Survivor of Genocide to mark Holocaust Memorial Day

On Monday 30th January 2023, Chantal Uwamahoro joined the History Department at Chatham Grammar. Chantal is a survivor of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Chantal shared her story of survival and migration to Britain with our Year 9 students, to consolidate their understanding of genocide since the term was first used by Raphael Lemkin in 1944.

Miss Slater is extremely proud of our Year 9 students, as they listened attentively and then asked some impressive questions to understand more of Chantal’s personal experience and her views about ongoing historical debates. I would like to thank Chantal and the Ishami Foundation for their support in organising this learning experience for our students. It has given us all a lot to think about and reflect on.

If you would like to find out further information about the Ishami Foundation, please follow the link: https://ishamifoundation.org/