Safeguarding Overview
The following gives an overview of what we do at Chatham Grammar:
Safeguarding procedures in academy are overseen by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, Emma Perkin, responsible for ensuring that these procedures are in place and are monitored regularly.
The Academy has a designated DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead currently Paula Knight) and a Safeguarding Team who meet regularly to discuss any ongoing safeguarding or welfare concerns, offering support and guidance where necessary.
The Academy's Safeguarding Policy can be viewed under the policies section of the academy website here.
All staff, including non-teaching staff have received recognised training in safeguarding and child protection.
A central record is kept of all adults who either work in the academy or who help as volunteers with details of DBS checks in place.
Any visitors to the academy are required to report to reception to sign in and obtain a named visitor’s badge.
Senior members of staff involved in the recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff have received recognised training in safer recruitment, and have put in place appropriate procedures to ensure that appropriate checks have been made before appointments are taken up.
All staff, including non-teaching staff know the procedures for reporting safeguarding or welfare concerns.
All students understand the importance of safeguarding issues and have been introduced to the members of the Safeguarding Team in assemblies. They too are aware of how to report safeguarding or welfare concerns about themselves or others.
All students are aware of the importance of e-safety and have received guidance from the IT department and through assemblies on safe use of the Internet.
For any immediate safeguarding concerns please contact our email address below. This email address is checked frequently by our Chatham Grammar Safeguarding Team.