Keeping Everyone Safe
We hope that you have an enjoyable visit to Chatham Grammar.
Our main priority is to ensure that everyone who visits is aware of their responsibilities towards making sure all young people are safe.
As a visitor or contractor please remember the following:
Any visitors to the academy are required to report to reception to obtain a named visitor’s badge.
Display your visitors badge at all times.
Only go to areas where you are permitted to work.
If you are working in a 1:1 situation with a student, we must have confirmation that all the necessary safeguarding checks have been carried out including the Enhanced DBS disclosure.
You must not have any physical contact with any student.
You must never exchange personal contact details with a student or arrange to meet them outside of the Academy environment.
The use of cameras and taking photographs is not permitted unless prior permission has been sought.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your visit please speak to a member of staff.